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Saintseneca - Such Things House Divided


  • ISRC:USEP41525014
  • Recorded:2015 ARC - Omaha, NE
  •  ©2015 Anti, Inc.
  • Vocals, Bass:Maryn Jones
  • Vocals, Guitar, Neptune:Steve Ciolek
  • Drums, Percussion:Matthew O'Conke
  • Vocals, Synthesizers, Piano:Jon Meador
  • Guitars, Synthesizers, Keyboards, Pedal Steel Guitar, Hammered Dulcimer, Marxophone, Neptune:Mike Mogis
  • Vocals, Guitars, Bass, 8-String Bass, Sitar, Domra, Bouzouki, Mandolin, Dulcimer, Baritone Ukulele, Taropatch Ukulele, Bulbul Tarang, Synthesizers, Piano, Bajo Sexto, Accordion, Percussion:Zac Little


No more would Gomorrah implore us
you got them bad
Beside them was Sodom
You caught them and got them good
House divided
where do I sit
I'm inside it when it collapses
How do they lure ya?
Right back to the
one wonderless way
Both hands up
Gunned down but lovingly
House divided
where do I sit
I'm inside it when it collapses