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The Locust - New Erections Slum Service(Served on the Sly)


  • ISRC:USEP40624110
  • Recorded:2006
  •  ©2007 Anti-
  • Bass, Vocals:Justin Pearson
  • Guitar, Vocals:Bobby Bray
  • Keyboards, Vocals:Joey Karam
  • Drums, Percussion, Guitar:Gabe Serbian
  • Backing Vocals:Wesley Eisold


Slum service (served on the sly)

The signs say:
He's sketchy (Singing all of his sighs

It seems my pig comrade
Has tripped
Around town

A chattering tone was stacking stones,
Building a conversation
The alley said, :Fine I'll take the time."
Stone after stone
He bellowed
Cover was blown
His mind dropped and
then he stutter stepped

The alley got restless and walked
(Needs a new place)
And while the titans move he'll slither
(Underneath the Slip-ups)

Fresh prize at his side
He was itching to
Hide from the
Same old